Last weekend, I went home for the first time since moving to Chicago. The first time in two months. If my memory serves me right, that's the longest time, consecutively, I've been away from my home and my family.
It was absolutely everything I could have wished for.
My trek from Chicago to Michigan began at Union Station. I was pretty freaking anxious considering I had never gone on the amtrak by myself before, but it was all smooth sailing, my friends! Maybe that's just because I'm a freak and love any and every form of traveling. Or maybe because I got there more than two hours before my actual departure time... hey, a small town girl needs to be prepared for any unexpected big city hindrance.
Absolutely breathtaking architecture in Union Station
Gotta get that Jamba Juice in whilst waiting for the train.
Stunning and peaceful train ride home, watching as the skyscrapers and noise slowly faded into a serene atmosphere, paired with nature and open spaces.

Immediately, the craziest, most prominent thing I noticed when coming home was how the same sky looked completely different in these polar opposite cities. After my mom picked me up and we had our sappy, blubbering, tight squeeze reunion, we were driving home and I was like, oh. stars. right. those are a thing. I actually forgot that stars are what naturally liter the sky, in my mind airplanes had become the new normal object found up above. There is a steady flow of air traffic, every minute, of every day, in Chicago. Now, don't think I'm complaining. The thing is I adore both night skies. Remember I said I love any and every form of traveling, airplanes happening to be my most favorite and admired, they are extremely fascinating and symbolize life always go-go-going, lives never standing still, all around us. At the same time, turning your head up at that same sky and hearing absolutely nothing, seeing absolutely no disturbance of human life, just stars, the moon, outer space that are thousands and thousands of years old, that do stand still and never change no matter where you are in the world, that right there is a sensational feeling you just cannot replace.

I was greeted by the love of my entire life, Addi my niece,with a bowl of whip cream. The girl sure knows how to give a warm welcome if you ask me!
I should tell you, the celebratory happenings of when I came home was The Harry Potter Party October 2015 Extravaganza. My sister will probably kill me if I go into too much detail about what exactly went on at this extravaganza and the level of detail and thought, along with the blood sweat and tears, that went into planning it. Our house was a straight up replica of Hogwarts herself, we made the food from Harry Potter recipe books and ate them all in the Great Hall (good ol' Aunt Petunia's strawberry trifle was a show stopper), we drank butterbeer, the Harry Potter soundtrack was played on a constant repeat all weekend long, and we even played Quidditch. Well, I should say attempted to play Quidditch. It even starting pouring, or as Ron would say, pissing down rain halfway through the game, giving it a genuine Harry Potter game day feel. My sweet, sweet mother even knitted the entire family, plus my best friend Katie, Griffindor scarfs. Now you tell me what shows more dedication than that. Nothing, that's what.

Baking and Butterbeer by the fireplace. What more could I ask for.
Starting the little one out right. (Spot the floating candles in the Great Hall)
Displayed above, the complete and utter mayhem, confusion and disorganization of our family Quidditch game.
Nothing can sum up the siblings better in one picture than this picture can.
Sunday morning, before church and before I headed back to Chicago, I was in the kitchen with my dad, making breakfast just like we always did.
My nights home consisted of cuddling up with the fam watching Harry Potter, laughing and catching up on life details, while my mornings consisted of early coffee talks with my dad. I thank God every day for giving me a reason to realize how blessed I am to have a family that I can call my best friends. Only a month until I go home again for Thanksgiving, and while I like where I am, Thanksgiving couldn't come fast enough.